How to Set Up Erlang Common Test for Code Coverage
Common Test code coverage and usage is documented here and here, but:
- there are no examples given
- documentation fails to state what the minimum required configuration is to turn on code coverage
- the implementation has no sane defaults and by default code coverage is disabled
So, here’s the minimum sane default:
- create a cover.spec file in your application directory with the following contents
{incl_app, my_app, details}.
{excl_mods, my_app, [my_app_SUITE]}.where my_app and my_app_SUITE are names of your application and the test suite(s) you have
- when running using ct_run, make sure to
- either specify -cover cover.spec option; OR
- add this line to your main CT spec file
{cover, "cover.spec"}.
That’s it! Next time you run CT you should have a nice code coverage report generated with it.
Oh, also, it’s probably worth mentioning that I couldn’t get to run ct_run with the -spec option, so I manually added it in the CT_RUN command.